Sunday, November 29, 2009

Baking Frenzy

Since I wasn't able to go to Spokane for Thanksgiving, I took the opportunity to bake somethings I have never baked before.
Pie Crust. Pumpkin Pie. Apple Cheescake. Pumpkin Cheesecake. Satin Rolls. Cinnamon Rolls. Corn Pudding. Prime Rib. Bread Pudding. I think that is everything I have made so far. Tomorrow I will try and make a Choo Choo Train cake for Gabriel's 2nd Birthday.
Except for a few baking mishaps, everything went pretty smooth (such as, you can't bake the rolls on the bottom rack while the corn pudding is baking. The bottoms burn and the tops don't get golden or that you can't really bake 3 pies in the oven all at once or that you shouldn't leave a pie anywhere a two year old might be able to stick his fingers into)
I have to say that my favorites were the cinnamon rolls and the bread pudding, but that's only because I have really been wanting bready comfort foods.
SO now that I have gained about 100 pounds this weekend from all my baking and from the parties we have had to attend, I think I am ready to put all the holiday foods away and eat some salad! Well, maybe until tomorrow....

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