Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blessed are the Peacemakers Day 3

I have helped prevent little fires between all members of the family the past couple days. It really takes a lot of diplomacy and trying to point out the good things and ignore some of the bad. It also has taken a real effort to not raise my voice when I get frustrated and not take offense to some of the off-handed comments my husband might say. I am also trying to not assume what he said was meant to hurt my feelings, so I am not "over-reacting". I must admit though, I do feel a little bit like Carol Brady or Mrs. Cleaver from "Leave it to Beaver". Only, I will not vaccum the house in high heels and a dress.
I wonder if at the end of the month anyone else in my little family will notice a difference in the home? It feels like I only notice all the avoided conflicts because I am the acting peace maker and I am helping steer everyone clear from potential disasters. It is definitely an effort, and there are moments when I catch myself on the verge of saying something that would make me a "contention maker" but so far, I haven't slipped to much, and hope to keep up the "peace" in the home.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, for trying your hardest to make your home peaceful and as happy as can be. Don't think that your family is the only one that has problems. Each family has contentions in their homes sometime.
